Sunday, January 11, 2015

Saturday in St. Pete

Yesterday was our first market of 2015, and it was a doozy!  We were lucky to be set up next to the fabulous Kate of Kate Kreates, and spent a busy afternoon and evening hanging out with her crew, hobnobbing with the fine folk of St. Petersburg and basking in the glow of the goodies we've added to our setup.

We finally got a chance to use our new banner (yes, I'm a little obsessed), and we gave the bunting a trial run, too. The banner looked pretty damned good, if I say so myself, but the magnets I sewed in to hold it up were a fail.  Actually, the magnets were less of a problem than the fact that I didn't set up the tent while I was making the banner to determine where the magnets should be placed.  (Duh.)  So we improvised with tiny binder clips, and nobody was any the wiser till this very moment. Consider yourself armed with insider information.

See the canister in the right-hand corner of the photo? That's our new magnet display, and I'm a little bit smitten with it.  Actually, it's so cool that I'm planning to dedicate a whole post to it later in the week.  For now, let's just say that it spins, it didn't cost me a cent, and it worked like a charm.  We let people choose a free magnet if they followed us on 3 social media channels at the event.  It was a good deal all the way around, and I got to introduce a surprising number bunch of people to the wonders of the QR Code reader.  It's kind of magical. (If you're looking to make a follow sheet of your own, you can generate printable QR codes for free.)

Our upcycled cork keychains made their debut at this event, too.  These, like our pendants, are only available at our events--we won't be listing them in the shop.  They're a fun upcycle, and they seem to appeal to oenophiles and garden-variety lushes alike.


  1. I love that clip board. Genius! Sorry you had to be across the street, we could have chit chatted more!

  2. Thanks, Tara---we got some new followers out of it. Next time we'll demand to be neighbors. ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your banner looks awesome! The QR code sheet is brilliant, might try something like that too. Hope you all had a great day!

    1. Thanks, Kari! I'm so happy with how they turned out!

  5. Is there anything binder clips can't do? The magnet display is pretty genius!

    1. Right, Julie? Give me binder clips, duct tape, drop cloth, sharpies, freezer paper and razor blades, and I'm fairly certain I can conquer the world. Glad you like the magnet display...
